So you are looking to build out a social or display ad and want to build some copy that will catch attention while performing well in each individual algorithm. Easy right? By following these best practices, you can easily boost your ads to the forefront of Google and Facebook.

Be Careful With Punctuation

Do not use exclamation points in your headlines. Not only does it look bad to prospective customers, but both Google and Facebook are actively weeding out ads that feature exclamation points in the copy. It is considered borderline clickbait and will actively damage your campaign’s results.

Keep Your Content Focused

In order to capitalize on search results and make the most of each ad set, keep your content focused. Have a goal, have a specific topic, and stick to it. The more pointed your goal is for your copy, the better it will perform. Instead of putting in a ticket saying, “We aren’t sure what to run, look at the site for direction” take the time to form a goal, make a plan, and utilize the client’s strengths. If you need help forming these goals, call a creative brainstorm!

Short, Sweet, And To The Point

Facebook and display ads live in small corners of the internet and the copy needs to reflect that size. Keep headlines to 6-10 words max, as content-heavy ads will easily become bogged down and constantly skipped. If your ad is focused and has a direct goal, this should be no issue.

What To Do With Tickets With No Content

If you have hit a roadblock and have absolutely no content, please assign tickets directly to our copywriter Nick Beltramo with a title that includes “COPY NEEDED”. This will ensure that your ticket is done on time and does not get lost.

With these simple tips, you should be able to write good, compelling, and optimized copy for Facebook and display ads. We are here to help with any questions, so don’t be afraid to ask!