Lead times are slightly different depending on the requested type of graphic.

Please set the due date at minimum 3 days from the initial ticket request. Depending on queue, your graphic may be completed earlier than the 3 days, but this will allow us to properly plan out other projects.

Please do not specify times in your request (i.e. Please have done by 10am). Designs should be expected by EOD. If a design is needed for a meeting at 10am, it should have been requested with a due date of the day before.

Please check below the average amount of time it takes the design team to complete a ticket request:

Social Graphics

Initial proof: Please set 3 days from initial ticket request

Additional changes: Up to 24 hours per revision round


Initial proof: Please set 3 days from initial ticket request

Build out (additional sizes): 1-2 days (from final proof approval)

Additional changes: Up to 24 hours per revision round

Animated GIFS/HTML5

Initial proof: Please set 3 days from initial ticket request

Build out (additional sizes): 1-3 days (from final proof approval)

Additional changes: Up to 36 hours per revision round

Video Post Graphics

Initial proof: Please set 4 days from initial ticket request

Additional changes: Up to 36 hours per revision round

Email (HTML)

Initial proof: Please set 3 days from initial ticket request

Additional changes: Up to 24 hours per revision round

Development: 1-2 days (from final proof approval)

What if I don't provide copy?

If copy is not provided, it may take an additional day for the initial proof as the designers and copywriter work out those details.

Due Date Quick Reference

If you submit your ticket on Monday, the earliest due date should be the following Thursday.
Monday > Thursday

Tuesday > Friday

Wednesday > Monday

Thursday > Tuesday

Friday > Wednesday