Creating a request for an animated social post is a similar process to creating one for a static image, with a few very important differences. They do, however, begin the same way: with a social ticket! It’s true that there’s an option to select “Video” when getting started, but that category is reserved for video-specific contracts that are longer and more in-depth. Keeping things in the social space ensures the designer can easily determine what dimensions are needed for the project. Please do not put animated social posts in the video category. The description of the desired graphics don’t have to reflect any storyboarding expertise, just an idea and direction/example for the visuals will do just fine! 

Here’s where the differences start to enter in for static vs animated tickets. It is important to specify what tier the graphic falls under in the description. Tier 2 is simple motions, perhaps some text fading in, or a subtle zooming effect on a photo. Tier 3 is more extensive and can include a number of effects and techniques. Specifying which tier will make sure the designer can budget their time appropriately for the request. Another very important step is calling out the type of work needed by adding “Animated” to the title. Knowing that there are animated tickets in the queue is extremely helpful in ensuring proper prioritization, since it takes longer to create motion graphics than static images.

With that taken care of, your animated social request is all set to go!