Your client has requested changes. Again. Do you make a completely new ticket or can you request changes in your current ticket? Here is a guide to help you choose the best next step:


I have changes to a currently open ticket that has not been approved yet.

Regardless of if this is the second or the fifteenth round of changes (you know which clients we mean), if you have not finalized assets, you should reply with the changes in the same ticket. Please be very clear about the client’s changes and clarify any confusing parts before sending it to the designer. This will cut down on back and forth, making all of our lives easier.


I have changes to a ticket that has already been approved/built out.

Final files are final. If the assets have been finalized and approved, you will need a new ticket and reference back to the original if needed. Even if you are just changing the date, a price, or the image, any time there has been final approval, the ads have been built out and sent, or the ticket has been resolved/closed, a new ticket needs to be created.


I need to request additional sizes in a ticket request.

If the final files have not been sent (i.e. the built-out display ZIP file, or the social graphic hasn’t been sent yet), you can edit the order to request new sizes. Please make sure the design team knows you have made this change. If they have already looked at the order or are currently working on it, they will not always know the ticket details have changed.


If the final files have already been sent, please create a new ticket and reference the original ticket by including the link and/or ticket number and an explanation of what is needed.


A great thing to keep in mind: Approvals are and should be treated as final. That being said, we all know clients change their minds and are not always as organized as we would like them to be. If you are unsure how to proceed with revisions, please contact the design team or just go ahead and create a new ticket (with a link to the old ticket and instructions on what needs to be completed).